Showing posts with label shopify checkout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopify checkout. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Shopify Function Extension Example

This blog builds upon my previous blog, Shopify Check UI Extension Example. Now that we got our Checkout Extensibility app running, it's time to add another payment method. Why do we need to add another payment method? Surely, that's commen sense is the answer to that, right? Having more payment options will let your store cater to more potential customers.

One popular payment method is Paypal. To activate Paypal, on the Shopify admin page, we go the Settings > Payments > Activate Paypal and then follow the instructions. The payment setup would look like below.

Fantastic. Now that we have activated Paypal, we should see something like below on checkout.

Paypal Express Checkout Problem

Well and good that we can accept Paypal payments. But the issue now is that some customers are abandoning the checkout step because they don't have Paypal and it is right at the top of the page. It is making them believe that it is the only payment option. It is confusing the customers especially on mobile view because it's the first thing they see as it is positioned at the top. Our simple requirement now is keep the Paypal payment method and at the same time remove or hide the Paypal express checkout button. Sounds easy enough?

Shopify Function Solution

As mentioned earlier, we are building the Shopify Function extension from my previous blog, Shopify Check UI Extension Example. I'm assuming you have the GitHub repository for it. If not, you can pull from First off the bat is to generate the extension like so. I've named the extension hide-paypal-express and coding it in JavaScript.

C:\shopify\checkout-practice-app>npm run generate extension

> checkout-practice-app@1.0.0 generate
> shopify app generate extension

To run this command, log in to Shopify.
👉 Press any key to open the login page on your browser
✔ Logged in.
╭─ info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Using                                                       │
│                                                                                │
│    • Org:             Joel Patrick Llosa                                       │
│    • App:             checkout-practice-app                                    │
│                                                                                │
│   You can pass `--reset` to your command to reset your app configuration.      │
│                                                                                │

?  Type of extension?
√  Payment customization - Function

?  Name your extension:
√  hide-paypal-express

?  What would you like to work in?
√  JavaScript

╭─ success ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Your extension was created in extensions/hide-paypal-express.                 │
│                                                                                │


Update Scopes

Our scopes on the should have been updated with the read_payment_customizations and write_payment_customizations. If not, add them like below and do a deploy to push the scopes to the Partner dashboard.

# Learn more at
scopes = "read_payment_customizations,write_payment_customizations"
C:\shopify\checkout-practice-app>npm run deploy

> checkout-practice-app@1.0.0 deploy
> shopify app deploy

╭─ info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Using                                                       │
│                                                                                │
│    • Org:             Joel Patrick Llosa                                       │
│    • App:             checkout-practice-app                                    │
│    • Include config:  Yes                                                      │
│                                                                                │
│   You can pass `--reset` to your command to reset your app configuration.      │
│                                                                                │

?  Release a new version of checkout-practice-app?
√  Yes, release this new version

Releasing a new app version as part of checkout-practice-app

free-shirt-1000     │ Bundling UI extension free-shirt-1000...
hide-paypal-express │ Building function hide-paypal-express...
hide-paypal-express │ Building GraphQL types...
free-shirt-1000     │ free-shirt-1000 successfully built
hide-paypal-express │ Bundling JS function...
hide-paypal-express │ Running javy...
hide-paypal-express │ Done!

╭─ success ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  New version released to users.                                                │
│                                                                                │
│  checkout-practice-app-2 [1]                                                   │
│                                                                                │

Enable the Shopify Function

Next step is to grab the function ID to enable the Shopify function and create the payment customization. For this I've installed GraphiQL app to make executing queries and mutations against my store easier. You can find the function ID the Partners page like below.

Run the paymentCustomizationCreate mutation via the GraphiQL app to enable your Shopify function. Don't forget to replace the function ID. You should have a response like below after that.

mutation {
  paymentCustomizationCreate(paymentCustomization: {
    functionId: "<replace with function ID>"
    title: "checkout practice app"
    enabled: true
  }) {
    paymentCustomization {
    userErrors {


  "data": {
    "paymentCustomizationCreate": {
      "paymentCustomization": {
        "id": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomization/283772501"
      "userErrors": []
  "extensions": {
    "cost": {
      "requestedQueryCost": 10,
      "actualQueryCost": 10,
      "throttleStatus": {
        "maximumAvailable": 2000,
        "currentlyAvailable": 1990,
        "restoreRate": 100

Just provide your shop domain to install the GraphiQL App.

To check what payment customizations have been enabled on your store, run the paymentCustomizations query like below.

query {
  paymentCustomizations(first: 100) {
    edges {
      node {


  "data": {
    "paymentCustomizations": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomization/283772501",
            "title": "checkout practice app"
  "extensions": {
    "cost": {
      "requestedQueryCost": 11,
      "actualQueryCost": 3,
      "throttleStatus": {
        "maximumAvailable": 2000,
        "currentlyAvailable": 1997,
        "restoreRate": 100

Hide Paypal Express Checkout

Before we hide the Paypal Express Checkout button, let's see how it looks without any logic added to the scaffolding code. Run npm run dev. Go to the checkout page, the top of the page will show the Paypal Express checkout and the bottom will have the standard Paypal payment method. Next, go to your Partners dashboard then your app extensions runs. You should see the logs on what goes in, out and errors. It's empty for now because we haven't added a query and applied any logic to the result of the query.

Under extensions/hide-paypal-express, edit the run.graphql with the query below. This will fetch a list of payment methods available on our checkout.

query RunInput {
  paymentMethods {

On the same directory, edit run.js as below. What this code does is fairly simple. Probably does not need any explanation as it is fairly readable and understandable. We just check for a Paypal Express Checkout payment menthod and if it exists apply the hide operation to it by providing the payment method ID and placement. Express checkout is AcceleratedCheckout. Otherwise, return with no changes to the payment methods.

// @ts-check

import { PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethodPlacement } from "../generated/api";

 * @typedef {import("../generated/api").RunInput} RunInput
 * @typedef {import("../generated/api").FunctionRunResult} FunctionRunResult

 * @type {FunctionRunResult}
const NO_CHANGES = {
  operations: [],

 * @param {RunInput} input
 * @returns {FunctionRunResult}
export function run(input) {
  const hidePaymentMethod = input.paymentMethods.find(
    (method) => === "paypal express checkout"

  if (hidePaymentMethod) {
    return {
        operations: [
          hide: {
            placements: [PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethodPlacement.AcceleratedCheckout]

  return NO_CHANGES;

Save your changes and the changes should hot reload. If not, do npm run dev again. Go to the checkout page and the Paypal Express Checkout button should be gone now.

Debugging a Shopify Function

To debug a shopify function, go to your Partners dashboard then your app extensions runs as described above. This time you should see some logs because we have added a query in run.graphql and we have returned an operation. You should have something like below. If you want to dump some values of variables for example, calls to console.error are shown under Logs (STDERR).

Input (STDIN)

  "paymentMethods": [
      "id": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethod/0",
      "name": "(for testing) Bogus Gateway"
      "id": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethod/1",
      "name": "Deferred"
      "id": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethod/2",
      "name": "PayPal Express Checkout"

Output (STDOUT)

  "operations": [
      "hide": {
        "paymentMethodId": "gid://shopify/PaymentCustomizationPaymentMethod/2",
        "placements": [

Shopify Function Closing

There you have it. A handy way to hide the Paypal Express Checkout option in Shopify Checkout. As usual, entire code is available at Thank you for reading.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Shopify Checkout UI Extension Example

As you might have already read on the Shopify website, checkout.liquid is deprecated and stores need to upgrade to Checkout Extensibility by August 13, 2024. So here is an example of how to build a Checkout UI extension.

For this example, our requirement is going to be to provide a free item (e.g. t-shirt) on checkout when the total purchase is greater than a thousand. Clear enough?

Checkout UI Extension Setup

If you have read my past blogs then you probably already have a development store and partner account. In any case, these are the prerequisites:

  • A Shopify Partner account
  • A development store that use the Checkout and Customer Accounts Extensibiliy
  • Shopify CLI

This example was created on a Windows 11 machine with Node v20.11.0, npm v10.2.4 and Shopify CLI v3.60.1. For the final check, on the bottom left of your Shopify Admin page, it should say Checkout and Customer Accounts Extensibility as shown below.

Checkout UI Extension Scaffolding

Super simple, run shopify app init to create you project. You can choose what name you like for your project. In this example, our project name is checkout-practice-app

C:\shopify>shopify app init

Welcome. Let’s get started by naming your app project. You can change it later.

?  Your project name?
√  checkout-practice-app

?  Get started building your app:
√  Start by adding your first extension

╭─ info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Initializing project with `npm`                                               │
│  Use the `--package-manager` flag to select a different package manager.       │
│                                                                                │

╭─ success ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  checkout-practice-app is ready for you to build!                              │
│                                                                                │
│  Next steps                                                                    │
│    • Run `cd checkout-practice-app`                                            │
│    • For extensions, run `shopify app generate extension`                      │
│    • To see your app, run `shopify app dev`                                    │
│                                                                                │
│  Reference                                                                     │
│    • Shopify docs [1]                                                          │
│    • For an overview of commands, run `shopify app --help`                     │
│                                                                                │

Checkout UI Extension App

Next step is to create the checkout UI extension. This is the code that will modify the checkout page. Change to you project directory and run npm run generate extension. You can choose what technology stack you'ld like to work in. I have chosen JavaScript React for this example.

C:\shopify\checkout-practice-app>npm run generate extension

> checkout-practice-app@1.0.0 generate
> shopify app generate extension

Before proceeding, your project needs to be associated with an app.

?  Create this project as a new app on Shopify?
√  Yes, create it as a new app

?  App name:
√  checkout-practice-app

╭─ info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Using                                                       │
│                                                                                │
│    • Org:             Joel Patrick Llosa                                       │
│    • App:             checkout-practice-app                                    │
│                                                                                │
│   You can pass `--reset` to your command to reset your app configuration.      │
│                                                                                │

?  Type of extension?
√  Checkout UI

?  Name your extension:
√  free-shirt-1000

?  What would you like to work in?
√  JavaScript React

╭─ success ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Your extension was created in extensions/free-shirt-1000.                     │
│                                                                                │
│  Next steps                                                                    │
│    • To preview this extension along with the rest of the project, run `npm    │
│      run shopify app dev`                                                      │
│                                                                                │
│  Reference                                                                     │
│    • For more details, see the docs [1]                                        │
│                                                                                │

Take a look at your Shopify Partners portal page and your app should be there.

Checkout UI Extension Logic


import {
} from '@shopify/ui-extensions-react/checkout';

export default reactExtension(
  () => ,

function Extension() {
  const translate = useTranslate();
  const { freebie_title: freeItem } = useSettings();
  const { amount } = useSubtotalAmount();

  if (freeItem && amount > 1000) {
    return (
      <InlineLayout columns={['fill', '20%']}>
          <Text>{ freeItem }</Text>
          <BlockLayout inlineAlignment="end">

What does this piece of code do? This UI extension targets purchase.checkout.cart-line-list.render-after. Which means this UI will be inserted at that target location. It will be rendered after all line items.

Moving along, we use 3 APIs provided by Shopify. The useTranslate hook returns the I18nTranslate interface used to translate strings. We can do something like <Text>{translate('welcome')}</Text> which pulls the welcome message in en.default.json and renders it in a Text component. But we won't be using it in this example.

The useSettings hook returns the settings values defined by the merchant for the extension. These settings values are found in shopify.extension.toml. The value of the key freebie_title is then assigned to freeItem. We can set the value in the customize mode of the checkout page which is driven by the below extension settings.



    key = "freebie_title"
    type = "single_line_text_field"
    name = "Freebie title"
    description = "Free item name"

The useSubtotalAmount API returns a Money value representing the subtotal value of the items in the cart at the current step of checkout. Obviously we'll need the amount to check if it is more than a thousand so we can render the free item. So if there is a free item set and the subtotal is more than a thousand we render the free item using Shopify provided React components. This ends the coding part.

Running and Customizing the App

Time to run the app. Execute npm run dev and follow the instructions (e.g. "P" to preview in your browser).

C:\shopify\checkout-practice-app>npm run dev

> checkout-practice-app@1.0.0 dev
> shopify app dev

?  Which store would you like to use to view your project?
√  checkout-practice

╭─ info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                                │
│  Using                                                       │
│                                                                                │
│    • Org:             Joel Patrick Llosa                                       │
│    • App:             checkout-practice-app                                    │
│    • Dev store:                          │
│    • Update URLs:     Not yet configured                                       │
│                                                                                │
│   You can pass `--reset` to your command to reset your app configuration.      │
│                                                                                │

✔ Created extension free-shirt-1000.
07:43:25 │ graphiql   │ GraphiQL server started on port 3457
07:43:25 │ extensions │ Bundling UI extension free-shirt-1000...
07:43:25 │ extensions │ Parsed locales for extension free-shirt-1000 at
07:43:25 │ extensions │ free-shirt-1000 successfully built
07:43:25 │ extensions │ Parsed locales for extension free-shirt-1000 at
07:43:27 │ extensions │ Draft updated successfully for extension: free-shirt-1000

› Press d │ toggle development store preview: ✔ on
› Press g │ open GraphiQL (Admin API) in your browser
› Press p │ preview in your browser
› Press q │ quit

Preview URL:
GraphiQL URL: http://localhost:3457/graphiql

Before we can see our app in action, we need to do some bits and bobs. Go to Settings > Checkout > Customize to add the app block.

Add app block. Can you see the free-shirt-1000 extension?

App block added. Can you see it below the line items?

App block settings. Does it remind you of the extension settings in shopify.extension.toml? We're giving away an Acme Brand T-shirt for purchases over a thousand.

Now, go purchase something over a thousand and go to checkout. You should have something like below.

Try buying something that's belowe a thousand and go to checkout. You are not getting a free item.

Shopify Checkout UI Extension Summary

There you have it. Your first Shopify Checkout UI Extension. To recap, create the scaffolding using Shopify CLI. After that is in place generate an extension. Choose a target location in the checkout page and add your custom logic. Last bit is doing some bit of config to render your UI extension. Good luck creating your own Shopify Checkout UI Extension in the future. Grab the repo here,