Monday, June 14, 2021

Kendo Chart Custom Visual Label Example

This article is an example of creating a customised visual label in a Kendo Chart Component. The framework used is Kendo UI for jQuery. In this example, our requirement is to show values inside a red box if it is greater than 50. Emphasizing that the value needs to be looked into so to speak.

What we need to do is implement a function for the visual option. We call the createVisual() function to save us from computing where to put the label. This will give us the bounding box coordinates for our label and rectangle. When we have the coordinates, we utilise Kendo's drawing API to draw the text and rectangle and return it as a Group object.

Here is our solution. You can edit the code below using any text editor but I prefer Visual Studio Code. Make sure you are connected to the Internet because the code pulls the Kendo library from the Telerik CDN. Take note that this is just a demonstration code and you'll need to purchase a license if you are going to use Kendo UI for jQuery for more than just evaluation purposes.


Kendo Chart Custom Visual Label
Kendo Chart Custom Visual Label


There you have it. A quick and simple example of how to create a custom visual label in Kendo Chart.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Kendo Radial Gauge Range Example

This article is an example of a scale range in a Kendo Radial Gauge Component. The framework used is Kendo UI for jQuery. In this example, our requirement is to make the scale range section transparent.

This is relatively easy but searching/googling for "kendo radial gauge transparent range" did not provide relevant results. To make the scale range transparent, we just provide a transparent value or a color with a transparent alpha channel to the rangePlaceholderColor option. It's that simple. I guess it was so simple that nobody bothered to google it. Anyway, here is the example code:

Without transparency:

Kendo Radial Gauge
Kendo Radial Gauge

 With transparency:

Kendo Radial Gauge - Transparent
Kendo Radial Gauge - Transparent


There you have it. A quick and simple example of how to have a transparent range in Kendo Radial Gauge.